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Executive Advice

Lessons On Change And How To Overcome Your Resistance To It
You may have read my article about a VP of Sales who failed to deliver an authentic message about her company’s new CRM system. She felt...

3 Tips For Building The Best Feedback Culture
Prolific American author and management expert Kenneth Blanchard once said, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions”. The value of...

AI: A Welcome Neighbor Or A Cautionary Stranger?
Keeping pace with technological advancement is critical to our long-term success as a nation. In many ways, the U.S. is lagging behind...

How To Avoid The Dangers Of Social Media In The Workplace
Several months ago, I was leading a workshop on conflict management in the workplace. The session began in the wee hours of the morning...

3 Secrets To Holding Successful And Productive Meetings
You know that feeling? The boring PowerPoint feeling! The “wake me up when it’s over” feeling. Well, you’re not alone. Nearly half of...

How To Create A Safe And Empowered Workplace
We’ve all observed unethical behaviors in the workplace, whether the workplace is at a desk or in the field. According to the 2018...

The Best Ways To Confront Unethical Situations In The Workplace
One of my clients was placed in a tough spot last week. She’s the CEO of a large nonprofit. A Board member approached her after a...

Why Social Media Is Your Best HR Tool
A couple of months ago, I was approached by an old client. Rife with anxiety and solicitude, he explained to me that he was struggling...

3 Easy Practices In Humility Every Leader Should Try
I recently found myself engaging in discourse with a stranger at the park who happened to be a dog trainer. As he was approaching, I...

Common Workplace Distractions And How To Avoid Them
Workplaces are swarming with distractions. They can be found in every nook and cranny of the office. A 2018 study by Udemy for Business...
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